daphne - dabianknee
terrence - muthusamy
yanlin - metta boy
weechang - chang bird
jeremy - pig -.-
thats the HumJinPeng Team ;)
MA1 Tutorial in a zoom,
and its lunch time..
ITAS's nasi padang = SCAM!! wahlouuus =((
many loves for HJP ;)
CAC tutorial as usual, was a sleeping period for daphne and definitely,
there will be jokes about Mr Tan on... woots!! ^^v
then ended our tutorial late,
went to biz lab to do our projects.
the 20cents joke with CK. goodness!! haha XP
was in the lab, L4D-ing... and FA project.
like~ finally first time, project is in such a relax manner ;) phews.
checked baobei's interview results with BSC, AND SHE GOT IN!!! WOW!! XD
im so happy for you that you got in... =D
so sorry, for th prank by me and ck. althou im the mastermind =XX
kfc with XDF. lols.
so much fun~ esp the Curse of milk milk head ;)
HJP = fun!
my mind filled with you. ♥JSHM
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