FA tutorial @ 9am was... tiring,
I just KO for 5mins and up again, then... into ZZZzzz again~
luckily for her sms to wake me up =)
BTM tutorial was breakfast time for us, EVERY TUESDAY! haha~ XP
we spent like nothing for breakfast, always..
not forgetting that our HUGE spendings on snacks, drinks and still snacks =X
no FA lecture today,
but we never slacked,
instead, we did CAC Project!!
much more improvements today. everyone did their part well.
not forgetting to have fun everytime while doing project ;)
dinner with ck, gabriel, leslie and huimin =)
was impromptu but... great effort by them to come join.
the dinner at Century Square was funny =X lols.
and also the men's talk at the bus stop. ;)
hold me tight.
tags replies:
\\ to WeeChang: dream on! haha, okok your bdae present = ruler @ 15cm. lols~