when that many FU TOUs and so many past, we dont know which way we should be heading. Hold our hands, and guide us out.

exhausteddd. whole humjinpeng slept @ between 4am to 530am.
woke up at 6am to rush to school for print out at 8am =.=
you can see it live! zombies on the streets. lols!

random humjinpeng photos.

her gift for me XD

gift from cindi,
was chatting with ck to collect the mr.greedy, mr.strong,
and when we got to Frolic!! CINDI gave me TWO OF Mr.GREEDY!!!
lols... and of course! I gave 1 to CK, my XDF!!

ijustlovehuggingyou. oinkx2

tags replies:
\\ to WeeChang: shut up!~ HUIZHEN!
\\ to Terrence: sorry, I make sure I buy curry from you next time ;)