yeah!~ last paper of my Y3.1 mid-sem-test...
SAPM!! was... woots!! haha~
chionged home, to get the camp logistics stuff,
fetched ck to school, then put down camp logs,
fetched huimella together to TM, to find yanchen and hand him the workshop materials.
(thanks alot yanchen! without you, I cant handle both workshops today! XD)
met up with yanlin, and bus bus to Tamp Central CC ;)
my first performance magic workshop,
not totally unprepared, but... not mentally prepared,
cause its still my first time taking a large scale workshop like this, whereby its 4 sessions into this course, so I have to think of 4days of syllabus to teach =\
below are the pics, and some with baofa, send me soon!~ XD
tags replies:
\\ to Huimella: I cut your butt then put onto my giraffe, rawr! =X
\\ to dajie [elene]: grow up!~ dont think you really are Misty. lols!~
\\ to yanyan: ehh, you pig! so lazy cannot tag me here meh? =\
1st performance magic workshop
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