looking at your undecisive eyes,
hey~ im here.
today was very fun~ (:
met up with yanlin, weechang.
and yanlin was holding a mario-in-many-colours!!
lols, I forgot to take a photo of it, but its totally. woots!
lols!~ we placed it in the LT, as an altar for students to pray to. HAHA!!
lunch at opposite school, was...
but the heat was unbearable,
you could feel that your skin is burning =S
the 'sowing discord' by terrence between justin and me, sobs!
JUSTIN is my buddy! I choose to believe JUSTIN for a reason.
sorry to terrence~ =\
and I made a turtle for JIAYING,
cause happen to see her opposite school, and promised to make her a lollipop,
but... the balloon burst! before I could complete =X
back in school~ for the last lecture of the day.
then went to print lots lots of notes with terrence,yanlin,weechang,justin.
and my meeting with my exco @ 430pm.
hope my FIRST BATCH of EXCOs are people with responsibility and integrity.
tags replies:
\\ to Shermin: THANKS! (: you will be linked too =)
\\ to CK: nods! our specialty, lols!
\\ to Yee: hauyee or who? lols.
\\ to Amarlina: *hides* arghhh haha! =)
\\ to JiaLin: hellos!! XD aiyo, this kind of thing you also want to fight with a lil girl?? -.^
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