15042009 (day0)
a silly person keeping all your words with him, in the hope to fulfill them for you. but he just cant keep you by him.
im going for overnight stay in TP for preparation of Orientation Week Zero'09!
so...sianzed? =\ not coming home le =(
ja~~~~ mata~~
16042009 (day1) & 17042009 (day2)
both nights sleeping at 2-3am, and waking up at 6am =S
waking up to intense training,
just like NPCC training camp. LOL!
moving hundreds boxes of drinks.
each weighing to 12.4kg! =X
and we hand-carried them from store room to sports complex. faints!
luckily we have the help from programmers (subcomm) to carry the shirts for freshies and SL, otherwise, by end of the orientation week, the girls would have biceps. =\
in few words, can describe the whole orientation.
so-so, not as exciting as before.
my batch of SLs was said to be better than this year's SL. =X
dont know true/false, cause im not in-charge of SLs (:
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\\ to yanyan: hey, why? what happen??
week0 day0 orientation09
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