went over for gathering at my maternal grandparent's place.
woots! my grandmother's Fish Head Bee Hoon! DELICIOUS!~
I brought my notes and revision papers over to study for my AFP. =\
sort of neglected my cousins... sorry~
but~ I made amendments by... showing my balloon skills to them,
limited to only 3 shapes. HAHA! XP
im still learning lah... (:
didnt have the time to take photos, but~
theres always next time in the future (:
eh~ CK & CF, you two names de initial very similar =\
I was thinking why CK double post. =S HAHA~
tags replies:
\\ to CK: yes! I know that BROTHER! (:
\\ to CF: haha~ true! GREEN is our favourite colour (:
mug mug
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